"Lost" is a video game
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
By Jennifer Buckendorff of Seattletimes.nwsource.com
Lost" is the first television program that owes its soul to video games. Remember the feeling you got the first time you tried a treasure hunt? For fans willing to "game" the show, it's the same thrill.
Unlike traditionally passive television shows, which expect viewers to zone out in a couch-potato haze, "Lost," which returns with new episodes Wednesday night, has embedded clues throughout. It's these recurring tidbits — and the patterns they form — that make "Lost" the first show to resemble a video game.
"Lost" is known for its sweeping themes. Take the show's title, for example: The characters aren't just lost on a deserted island; they're lost souls. The group of castaways includes a junkie, a lottery winner surrounded by bad luck, a doctor whose emotionally abusive father has just died and a woman who wanted to escape her marriage.
The show likes to play with its audience, inverting our preconceptions. The seemingly fragile and vulnerable young woman, Kate, happens to have a history of violent crime. The knowledgeable and soft-spoken Arab gentleman, Sayid, actually was a ruthless interrogator in the Iraqi Republican Guard. Both also are considered heroes on the show. Read More...---Take the Seattletimes.nwsource.com quiz.
Posted byNick at 5:13 PM