Lost Rhapsody

Watch "Lost" Rhapsody—a music video for "Bohemian Rhapsody" with a "Lost" twist. More "Lost" videos can be found at Lostvideo.net.

Some "Lost" Pics

^The Fellowship of the hatch? Just another of many other user-created pictures that mix "Lost" and popular movies:

1. Skate City (Sin City): "Skate" refers to the developing Sawyer/Kate relationship. Thanks to ABC's Lost: The Transmission podcast for that information.

2. Skatrix (The Matrix): Yet another "Skate" fanwork.

3. Braveheart (Braveheart): Features Henry Ian Cusick (Desmond) as William Wallace.

4. Casablanca (Casablanca): Still Skating, with Casablanca.

5. Castaway (Castaway): Features Naveen Andrews (Sayid).

6. The Hurley Code (The Davinci Code): My personal favorite, with Hurley starring the upcoming movie, The Davinci Code.

7. 23 (24): "Alot can happen in one day." With Matthew Fox (Jack).

8. Gone with the Wind (Gone with the Wind): Sawyer and Kate portrayed as Rhett and Scarlett.

Cast News

Jorge Garcia (Hurley) is scheduled to be at The Florida Extravaganza in Orlando, Florida from 1/27 to 1/29 in 06'. He will be signing autographs and saying hello to fans. More information at http://www.fxshow.com/

Charlie may be eyeing Claire in the world of "Lost", but in reality his love is for a different cast member. It is speculated that Dominic Monaghan (Charlie) will propose to Evangeline Lilly (Kate), his girlfriend, due to the fact that he was seen shopping for rings in Beverly Hills.

---Whoever made that video and those pictures had alot of time on their hands.

Posted byNick at 9:12 PM

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