The Ultimate Lostie's Guide to the Finale!
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
The moment we've been waiting for is here! Tonight "Lost" will finish off its season with the much anticipated conclusion, a two-hour presentation of the all-new Live Together, Die Alone. Also, the hour before will be filled with Reckoning, a recap of everything since the plane crashed.
With that said, this episode post will not be the end. I'll be posting during the summer and returning next season. The hiatus from new episodes will give me time to revamp the blog, while still posting news. Also, the forum and Google Group will always be available for everyone to share opinions. Speaking of which, check back in the forum and chat for post-finale discussion.
Now here's the information for Reckoning:
Title: Reckoning
Airdate: Wednesday, May 24 (First Aired: Wednesday April 26, 2006)
Time: 8/7c
Channel: ABC
Official Summary: The survivors of Oceanic flight 815 have been locked in a test of faith ever since they crashed on the island. Discover how this faith has been tested for both the fuselage survivors and tailies.
Type: Recap episode; This is NOT the finale.
Stars: Yunjin Kim (Sun Kwon), Terry O'Quinn (John Locke), Naveen Andrews (Sayid Jarrah), Michelle Rodriguez (Ana-Luca Cortez (Season 2-)), Matthew Fox (Jack Shepard), Malcolm David Kelley (Walter "Walt" Lloyd), Josh Holloway (James "Sawyer" Ford), Jorge Garcia (Hugo "Hurley" Reyes), Daniel Dae Kim (Jin Kwon), Harold Perrineau Jr. (Michael Dawson), Evangeline Lilly (Kate Austin), Emilie de Ravin (Claire Littleton), Dominic Monaghan (Charlie Pace)
Recurring Star: Mira Furlan (Danielle Rousseau)
Moving along, to the finale:
I've divided this post into three sections. Section one is for people who only want to know the bare bones of the episode: stars, title. Section two will give you summaries and maybe a pic. Section three will spoil some of it for you. What you don't know won't hurt you, but what you could know is really juicy! —From "Three Minutes" post
—Section One:
Title: Live Together, Die Alone
Title Allusions: The pessimistic phrase is derivative of some Jack has said in the past. At the end of White Rabbit, Jack says "...and if we can't live together, we're gonna die alone". In Man of Science, Man of Faith, Kate repeats the ominous words.
Airdate: Wednesday, May 16, 2006
Director: Jack Bender
Writer: Damon Lindelof, Carlton Cuse
Time: 9:00/8:00c [Two hours; from 9-11]
Stars: Yunjin Kim (Sun Kwon), Terry O'Quinn (John Locke), Naveen Andrews (Sayid Jarrah), Michelle Rodriguez (Ana-Luca Cortez (Season 2-)), Matthew Fox (Jack Shepard), Malcolm David Kelley (Walter "Walt" Lloyd), Josh Holloway (James "Sawyer" Ford), Jorge Garcia (Hugo "Hurley" Reyes), Harold Perrineau Jr. (Michael Dawson), Evangeline Lilly (Kate Austin), Emilie de Ravin (Claire Littleton), Dominic Monaghan (Charlie Pace), Daniel Dae Kim (Jin Kwon)
Guest Stars: Cathy Foy (Receptionist) , Eyal Podell (Young Man) , Alex Petrovitch (Man #2) , Len Cordova (Man #1) , Sonya Walger (Penelope) , Michael Bowen (Pickett) , Stephen Paget (Master Sergeant) , Alan Dale (Charles Widmore) , April Grace (Ms. Klugh) , Tania Raymonde (Alex) , Clancy Brown (Kelvin Inman) , Michael Emerson (Henry Gale) , Sam Anderson (Bernard) , Henry Ian Cusick (Desmond)
Recurring: M.C. Gainey (Mr. Friendly)
Parental Warning: TV-14v
—Section Two:
Flashback Content: Desmond; This will be the second episode that does not have a flashback of a major character.
Offical Summary: After discovering something odd just offshore, Jack and Sayid come up with a plan to confront "The Others" and hopefully get Walt back. Meanwhile, Eko and Locke come to blows as Locke makes a potentially cataclysmic decision regarding the "button" and the hatch, on the two-hour season finale.Picture 1:
AOL Summary: Remember Desmond, the guy in the hatch who ran away? Well, he's back -- with a big secret. Meanwhile, Jack and Sayid look for a way to confront the Others on their terms.
Related Articles:
- Writer decodes finale
- Real Secret of "Lost"
- Answers not "Lost"
- Regarding Henry Gale
- Reunion
- Michael's Key Episode

—Section Three:

Preview Video Clips: There's a few previews at
Before the two hours are over, Michael and Walt will be reunited and we'll learn what exactly Henry Gale's role is with the Others. Also, when the survivors come face-to-face with the Others — and they will come face-to-face — questions regarding their appearance will become of paramount importance.
"We are going to tell you why the plane crashed," says Cuse. "We're going to explain what happens if you don't push the button. And we're going to resolve the Michael-and-Walt story." (Michael's son, Walt, was kidnapped by "the others" in last year's season finale and has been missing ever since.) Desmond, the enigmatic guy originally discovered in the hatch, also reappears, and he's not in good shape, though he gives the survivors fresh hope for escape. Just as last year's finale expanded our scope of the island's boundaries, this year's will expand its relevance. "There is something else that is reverberating on our planet that is directly linked to this island," says Monaghan. "You begin to understand that what is happening there has a significant butterfly effect in the rest of the world." One more thing: we think another character is going to die, or come close. It's just a hypothesis, based on the fact that when we asked Michelle Rodriguez (Ana Lucia) to guess which character would die after Libby, she said: "I can't do that, 'cause I know." Then she clammed up.
At the beach, long-lost button pusher Desmond (Henry Ian Cusick) chugs from a bottle of booze and spills a secret. (Hint: It's sick.) [...] This time, we'll see Walt again, learn what caused Oceanic flight 815 to crash, find out what that mysterious button actually does (if anything), and more.
Damon Lindelof: The finale is "a battle between faith and reason on the same playing field, where it all began." (and some suggest it all began on the plane)
Guest starring are Malcolm David Kelley as Walt, Henry Ian Cusick as Desmond, Sam Anderson as Bernard, M.C. Gainey as Mr. Friendly, Michael Emerson as Henry Gale, Clancy Brown as Kelvin Inman, Tania Raymonde as Alex, April Grace as Ms. Klugh, Alan Dale as Charles Widmore, Stephen Page as Master Sergeant, Michael Bowen as Pickett, Sonya Walger as Penelope, Len Cordova as man no. 1, Alex Petrovitch as man no. 2, Eyal Podell as young man and Cathy Foy as receptionist.
After discovering something odd just offshore, Jack and Sayid come up with a plan to confront "The Others" and hopefully get Walt back. Meanwhile, Eko and Locke come to blows as Locke makes a potentially cataclysmic decision regarding the "button" and the hatch.
The two-hour finale is basically one big Desmond flashback.
In flashback that is set in 2000 in L.A., Libby buys Desmond coffee and offers him her boat. Charlie and Eko enter the hatch to get dynamite. Rose and Locke have a chat. Later in the episode, we see Desmond lying on the beach shore, waking up, being carried to the hatch, and Desmond and Kelvin walking through the jungle. While in prison (not sure if it's on island or flashback), Widmore tells Desmond off. There will be one scene of Desmond in the stadium. Dr. Candle will appear.]
The episode will feature Gregg, an athletic stockbroker type who loves his job and the company that employs him.
The episode will feature two foreign computer technicans working in a remote drilling station.
Guest stars for season finale: Cameron, British (Rupert Murdochish) 50, rich steel tycoon, ruthless, competitive, protective of his daughter; Penelope, late 20's, beautiful, strong, daughter of Cameron, wants a simple life, to fall in love and start a family. Though she has no interest in her family's money she eventually uses it to get what she wants.
We'll see Vincent in the finale.

Screenshots: Lost-Media, Lost-Media (Promos), AOL gallery
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Posted byNick at 2:49 PM